Samuel Crites

Lead Pastor

Sam Crites was led to the Lord by his father, Bob Crites, in 1992. He received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Texas A&M University in 2010. For 10 years, he worked in the commodities trading industry in Houston, TX developing projects for physical energy trading. In 2016, he felt the Lord lead him to ministry and began working on his Master of Divinity which he received from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2019. He served on staff as a church planting resident at Harvest Church in Germantown, TN and is currently working on his PhD in Historical and Theological Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. His research interests are Augustine and pre-modern interpretation. Sam and Molly have been married for 13 years and have five children: Nora Kate, Jacob, Ford, June, and Piper. Sam enjoys hanging out with his family, baking, reading, and all things nerdy.

Pastoral Assistant

maxwell maret

Max was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. It was in college that Max first heard the gospel and came to faith through a friend in his fraternity. After graduating from Missouri State University with a bachelor's degree in Exercise & Movement Science, Max and his wife, Elizabeth, moved to Memphis, TN. Max served on staff as an intern at Harvest Church in Germantown, TN. There he worked as an intern under the Discipleship & Community Pastor as well as doing maintenance. Max met Sam while working on staff at Harvest and decided to be a part of Mosaic Church. He’s currently pursuing a Master's in Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Max and his wife have been married for three years and have one daughter named Eliana. If Max is not spending time with family and friends, he’s most likely reading or playing golf.